Get A Prescription For Medical Cannabis in Redcliffe,Brisbane

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Trust Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic to connect you with the products you need for chronic illness. If you're eligible for a medical cannabis prescription, we can prescribe a range of medicinal cannabis products, including CBD oil. Learn if you're eligible for a prescription today and then book an appointment with one of our qualified doctors.

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Why Choose Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic

Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic is leading the way in medical cannabis prescriptions. As an exclusively digital clinic, we offer telehealth consultations for all new and recurring patients. This way, you can get access to the treatment you need wherever you are in Australia. We're committed to connecting you with the right treatment, whether you're in Brisbane or beyond. Our qualified doctors have years of experience in prescribing cannabis-based products for medical use and are highly knowledgeable about the different treatments available. We stay up-to-date with the latest research so that we can pass on the best advice to our patients.

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Meet Our Team

Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic has a team of qualified, experienced professionals ready to help. If you're looking for a doctor you can trust, come in and have a chat with us today. We operate telehealth available, you can get the treatment you need in the way you want to.

Dr Wayne McDonald

mc donald

Dr Wayne McDonald MBBS FRACGP is the Director of the Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic.

He is a qualified GP and an experienced holistic health Doctor specialising in plant medicine to safely, quickly and effectively treat patients. He has many years of experience in general practice, working with patients who may suffer from chronic pain, chronic medical conditions, and mental health problems. He provides standard treatments and refers patients to medical specialists when necessary.

Jacqui Fernandez - Naturopath

jacqui fernandez

Jacqui is qualified to offer a range of services including Naturopathy, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Herbal Medicine, Iridology, DNA testing, Healthy weight program, Detox programs, and Allergy & Reactivity programs. She recommends that you choose what suits your needs, budget, and pace, and will help you to find a solution that does exactly that.

Holistic Health Services

How It Works

Assess Your Eligibility

Take our eligibility test to learn if medical cannabis may be able to help you. Get pre-qualified online before seeing a doctor. Click the link below and scroll down.

Eligibility Form

Book Your Consultation

Arrange a telehealth call with one of our doctors to discuss your symptoms, seek clarification and work towards creating a suitable treatment plan for you.

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Start Feeling Better

Our doctors can issue a prescription for plant-based medicine, which can be picked up quickly and without any hassle from an approved pharmacy in Australia.

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Your Local Doctor, Now With New Medicine

Since 2022, Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic has been providing prescriptions for CBD oil in Brisbane and the surrounding areas. We believe that medical cannabis, when prescribed by a qualified doctor, can be incredibly beneficial for those suffering from chronic illness. Our team of experienced doctors understand the potential medicinal benefits of this plant-based medicine and are here to help you get the relief you need. If you're suffering from mental or physical health conditions, such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, addiction, chronic pain, and many more, medical cannabis products such as CBD oil may provide the relief you're seeking, with far fewer side effects than many other prescription drugs.

Holistic Health Treatments In Brisbane

At Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic, we believe in holistic health treatments. We strive to provide our patients with the best care available and help them find the right solutions for their individual needs. Our team of experienced doctors are here to assist you each step of the way and answer any questions you may have about medical cannabis. Book an appointment and take your first steps towards better health today.

If you feel that holistic health treatments would be beneficial in managing your pain, contact Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic on 07 348 72945

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