What You Need To Know About Getting A Medical Cannabis Prescription

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If you're seeking a prescription for medicinal cannabis, there are a few things you should know first. Medical cannabis is highly regulated in Australia and can only be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner. If you believe you have a condition that requires a prescription, read on to learn more.

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Why Medical Marijuana?

Since being made legal in 2016 medical marijuana has been used to treat a variety of serious and chronic medical conditions. These include multiple sclerosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, cancer pain, arthritis and neurological disorders. It can also be used to manage the side effects of chemotherapy or other treatments. In fact, there are more than 130 medical conditions eligible to be prescribed medical cannabis as of 2023. If you've tried other medications with no luck, you may find success with medical cannabis. Getting a prescription will give you access to products that have been specifically designed for medicinal use.

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Who Is Eligible For A Medical Cannabis Prescription?

Medical marijuana is only available for those who have been assessed by a registered medical practitioner and approved for a prescription, by the practitioner, an authorised prescriber, and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Your condition must already exist and require medical management. Additionally, as medical cannabis is classified as an "alternative" treatment, it can't be the first treatment you've tried. Patients must have tried another type of treatment first before they can be eligible for medical cannabis.

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How Do Medical Cannabis Prescriptions Work?

If you have one of the 130+ chronic conditions medical marijuana is used to treat, and believe you're eligible for a medical cannabis prescription, the first step is to have an assessment with an approved doctor. Your doctor will assess your situation and work out if you're eligible for a prescription or not. Generally the criteria are fairly straightforward. As long as you have a chronic condition that has lasted for more than 3 months, and it hasn't responded to other treatments, there is a good chance you will be eligible. Once you're approved, you'll be provided with a prescription that contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (cannabidiol). All our GPs at Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic are TGA approved and are able to provide prescriptions for medical cannabis. Book an appointment today and discuss your needs with our team for further info.

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Choose Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic

If you're seeking medical cannabis for your illness, Redcliffe Cannabis Clinic can help. Our doctors are qualified and available to assess your needs. They will connect you with the correct prescriptions so you can start on the road to recovery as soon as possible. With telehealth consultations, we offer our services to people all across Australia. Assess your eligibility today, schedule a consultation with one of our experienced cannabis doctors and start feeling better.

If you think you might be eligible for a medical cannabis prescription, get in touch with our doctors by calling on 07 348 72945.

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